Released in 1974
Genre- Musical, Rock, Horror
Main Cast: Paul Williams, William Finley, Jessica Harper
Screenplay: Brian De Palma
Music- Paul Williams
Direction- Brian De Palma

William Finley and Jessica Harper in Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
Jessica Harper and Paul Williams in Phantom of the Paradise (1974)

BRIEF INTRODUCTION The story starts with an innocent, talented singer/songwriter, Winslow Leech (played by Finley), trying to make his mark and get recognition in the music industry. And what happens next is, the wrong people recognize his talent and trick him into giving his best work to them, specifically Swan (played by Williams). The second half is formed by Leech returning as yes, you guessed it right, “The Phantom” for his due credit and his ladylove (played by Harper). The rest is for the audience to find out by watching the film…

The Movie A treat for all rock lovers, with a little bit of drama, a little bit of romance, a little bit of fight, and a whole lot of music. Being a fan of De Palma’s work, especially Scarface, I was a bit surprised at first when I got to know about Phantom…being a musical film but if we take a look at Palma’s work, his other films, with every new film he did something new, a new subject, a new genre so that justifies it.

Theme The novel, Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux served as the primary inspiration for the story of the film.

An interesting dialogue from the film
“I would never let my personal desires influence my aesthetic judgment”

P.S. The music of the film was nominated for both Academy Award and Golden Globe.