Released in 1986
Genre- Thriller, Psychological, Mystery, Noir
Main Cast: Kyle MacLachlan, Isabella Rossellini, Dennis Hopper, Laura Dern
Screenplay: David Lynch
Direction- David Lynch

Logo of Blue Velvet (1986), MGM, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

BRIEF INTRODUCTION The story revolves around a troubled mysterious woman, and two friends, followed by an intense attempt by the two of them to rescue the woman from the clutches of evil. Many more mysteries roll out along the way. Not just a movie, it’s a fine piece of psychological thriller, blended with mystery with a noir backdrop in the story.

The Movie Blue Velvet combines multiple genres and that too with perfection, coming from the ace filmmaker, the master of surrealism, DAVID LYNCH. The film offers so much that it is not possible to tell everything in the brief introduction section.

Performances Honest and powerful performances by all the actors, Kyle and Laura played their parts flawlessly. Rossellini and Hopper, their performances were very instrumental in putting all the intensity into the film.

P.S. The title comes from “Blue Velvet” a very popular song by Bobby Vinton.